Biorhythms w/ Cat
Ambient Field Recordings Downtempo
Cat Byrne
A field recording heavy show featuring a compilation of sounds Cat recorded whilst walking the Camino de Santiago, followed by music from Leif, Tomaga and more for some midweek calm.
1 Camino de Santiago 2020 - Cat's unreleased field recording compilation2 Kleine Rosa Wolke - Argile
3 Tapping on a Hollow Body - Leif
4 Reverie for Fragile Houseplants - Tomaga
5 Healing Feeling - Tornado Wallace
6 Estepa - Río Deseado - Juan Manuel Patricio & Catriel Nievas
7 Lakuko Lotura - Oreka TX
8 Rio Ancho - Paco de Lucia
9 Last Train Home - Pat Metheny Group