Curving Track w/ Elle Clark
Techno UKG Jungle Bass
Elle Clark
For the final Curving Track of 2022, Elle Clark was live with two hours of her top picks from the past year. Tracks in the bag from LCY, Eich, and Kenzie TTH.
1 Ever Angel Is Terrifying - The Weeknd2 Tether ft. Daemon - SCALPING
3 Cherubim - LCY
4 whatareugonnado - Parallels
5 KillIng Me Slowly - Jeshi
6 Talmode - Off The Meds
7 Sub 100 - Hodge
8 Plug - Nikki Nair
9 Sinkhole - Pearson Sound
10 Yours, Mine - Love Remain
11 Promise Me - Rose Gray
12 Sycophantic Maniac - Gallegos
13 So Tell Me… - Nia Archives
14 Blind Date - Joy Overmono & Abra
15 Follow You - Kornél Kovács & Aluna
16 Bleeper - DJ LHC & Oyubi
17 Wrecking Bassline - Charisse C
18 Chonga Chonga - INVT
19 Growing Into Your New Skin - Eden Samara
20 Club Wonk - Villager
21 Visions - Elpac
22 Bmore Baby - Closet Yi
23 Red - Eich
24 mi7 - STIN9
25 The Light - TSHA
26 Eternal September - Avalaon Emerson & TSVI
27 Driveway (Credits) - Kenzie TTH
28 Channeller - Otik
29 In The Booth - ATRIP & niina