Southside Selection w/ Hannah, Elovera, Sbuers & Hilts
Southside Selection
Southside Selection was back in the booth for their first show of 2024. They were joined by Hannah, Elovera, Sbuers & Hilts and played tracks from the likes of Joy Orbison, Grandmixxer, Surusinghe and more.
1 Psycho Killa (Wah-Wah Mix) - HearThuG2 Quadrupel Dub - Jah Beer / Oddkut
3 Moog Dub - 2562
4 Tribal Alien (Original Mix) - Legion
5 flight fm - Joy Orbison
6 SLSA Instrumental - Grandmixxer
7 HooHooHoo - Surusinghe
8 Azaroso - Wost
9 Air Jordans - Drippin
10 I Like The Way She's Moving - Coffintexts
11 Lost between A & N - Bluetoof
12 The Club - El-B